
Bring Your Office Sign To Life With Nerdonic's Digiplak 

C4DI member Hayden Barton - previously celebrated for building the world’s smallest Arduino, a piece of hardware that has the ability to interact and control all sorts of everyday electronic objects - has now launched Digiplak, a new office display screen.

Digiplak is a visual and engaging display screen that brings your standard office paper sign to life. You can use the screen to showcase what your business does, allowing visitors to see a lot more than just your company name as they walk past your office door. 


Designed by Hayden with C4DI residents in mind, the small touch screen has a range of features and applications.

“When people walk around C4DI, a lot of the offices look the same from the outside. However, with Digiplak, you can show off your portfolio, play videos, contact details and even leave a message if you’re out of office,” Hayden tells us. 

Digiplak allows businesses to leave a lasting impression, turning passersby into potential clients: 

“Sometimes, when I’m in a call or a meeting, I use Digiplak to let people know not to knock or disturb. There’s also a feature allowing people to fill out a short contact form for when you’re not available.” 

The interface includes a live social media feeds, so people can see what you’re currently up to and engage with your company’s content on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 

“In addition to this, I’ve also designed a meeting room mode and support for employee management. Digipak can also integrate with third-party applications,” Hayden adds. 

“What I’m trying to do at the moment is create a list of businesses that would be interested in a Digiplak”

There’s currently a prototype on Nerdonic’s office door on the first floor of the C4DI building: 

“The final design is going to be slimmer, more refined and have a better UX/UI, but feel free to knock on my door and ask me about how Digiplak could work for your business, or if you have any feedback - your support is really appreciated.”

Find out more about Digiplak here. In the meantime, you can find out more about Hayden Barton and his work at Nerdonic here.